Database dump for this sample:
Top depth (cm) 71.0
Bottom depth (cm) 72.0
Lithology Mud with highly rhythmic, but faint submm- to mm-scale laminae defined by colour rather than obvious grainsize variations. Moderate opal (around 10 percent), TOC content (around 0.25 percent), and high water content (around 40-50 percent). Clasts absent. Moderate diatom abundance (0.5 * 10^9 valves/g).
Facies interpretation Rhythmic laminae suggest influence of traction currents reworking hemipelagic suspension settling sediments or turbidites . Rhythmites can also interpreted as meltwater plumes, but thin nature of facies, and lack of obvious size sorting argues against this interpretation, as plumites are often associated with large volume of subglacial meltwater release and high sedimentation rates (Cowan et al., 1999; McKay et al., 2009). Increased opal and TOC consistent with sub ice shelf setting (Hemer and Harris, 2003). The lack of outsized clasts is indicative of depostion beneath an ice shelf lacking basal debris (Domack et al., 1999, Hemer and Harris, 2003; Mckay et al., 2009)
Core sample comments None
Carbon type AIO
Analysis date None
Chem lab None
Analyst None
Sample preparation method None
AMS lab Rafter Radiocarbon Lab
AMS date None
Analysis ID NZA37590
Percent carbon None
Fraction modern None
δ13C (‰) None
14C age (yr) 33210.0
14C age uncertainty (yr) 390.0
14C comments None

Calibration results:
Calibration curveMarine20
Reservoir correction (14C yr BP) (mean and of all Antarctica calibration samples) ( ± 179
Calibration softwareIOSACal (v.0.6.0)
Calibrated age 95.45 % HPD interval(s) (yr)36572.0 to 34722.0 cal yr BP
Calibrated age 68.2 % HPD interval(s) (yr)36123.0 to 35256.0 cal yr BP
14C calibration plot

Questions about this page: Ryan Venturelli