Database dump for this sample:
Top depth (cm) 228.5
Bottom depth (cm) 228.5
Lithology mud
Facies interpretation glacimarine under sea ice or thin ice-shelf proximal to grounding line
Core sample comments Core top age from PS69/275-2
Carbon type acid insoluble organic matter
Analysis date None
Chem lab None
Analyst None
Sample preparation method None
AMS lab None
AMS date None
Analysis ID SUERC-21451
Percent carbon None
Fraction modern None
δ13C (‰) -25.4
14C age (yr) 15703.0
14C age uncertainty (yr) 69.0
14C comments

Calibration results:
Calibration curveMarine20
Reservoir correction (14C yr BP) (mean and of all Antarctica calibration samples) ( ± 179
Calibration softwareIOSACal (v.0.5.3)
Calibrated age 95.45 % HPD interval(s) (yr)17305.0 to 16269.0 cal yr BP
Calibrated age 68.2 % HPD interval(s) (yr)17045.0 to 16530.0 cal yr BP
14C calibration plot

Questions about this page: Ryan Venturelli