Database dump for this sample:
Top depth (cm) 0.0
Bottom depth (cm) 2.0
Lithology Glacial marine mud
Facies interpretation Open water
Core sample comments None
Carbon type AIO
Analysis date None
Chem lab None
Sample preparation method None
AMS lab None
AMS date None
Analysis ID AA49720
Percent carbon None
Fraction modern None
δ13C (‰) -26.1
14C age (yr) 4001.0
14C age uncertainty (yr) 54.0
14C comments

Calibration results:
Calibration curveMarine20
Reservoir correction (14C yr BP) (mean and of all Antarctica calibration samples) ( ± 179
Calibration softwareIOSACal (v.0.6.0)
Calibrated age 95.45 % HPD interval(s) (yr)2885.0 to 1936.0 cal yr BP
Calibrated age 68.2 % HPD interval(s) (yr)2690.0 to 2216.0 cal yr BP
14C calibration plot

Questions about this page: Ryan Venturelli