
Anderson, John B and Andrews, John T
Radiocarbon constraints on ice sheet advance and retreat in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Geology, 1999
DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1999)027<0179:RCOISA>2.3.CO;2

The following cores appear in this publication:
Core name Lat (DD) Lon (DD) Water depth (m) Core length (cm) C-14 analyses (number)

2-19-1 -74.35 -38.25 489.0 465.0 2
3-17-1 -71.0 -11.75 418.0 554.0 7
032-PH -68.633 -47.333 3374.0 78.0 2
052-PH -67.3667 -47.3667 3768.0 85.0 3
037-PH -69.6833 -46.267 3777.0 90.0 1

Questions about this page: Ryan Venturelli